

Women top bra "Je vais avec tout"


The sports bras with which you can wear with everything! Indeed, you can choose among 14 shades!

If you don’t find the perfect color for your bras among the 14 proposed, don’t hesitate to contact us and to send us a special request in your order! We will create your sports bras in the REQUIRED COLOR !


    Women top jersey "FLOWERLIFE"


    The collection of Island's flowers! Available in 5 colours :


    (for each main colours chosen, there is also a touch of other colours in the design)


      Beachteam "Breizh" short


      Brittany represented with Beachteam !

      In stock : delivered within 48 hours

      You don't find the size you want or you want to personalize your product ? Don't hesitate to take a look at the shorts that you can personalize !  



        Women bottom Beach Team "Amazon" panty


        Very nice panty "Amazon" existing in different shades (with flowers and tropical leafs) !

        You can also personalize it and add your name for a better style !


          Women bottom "Don't speak just play" Beach Team panty pink turquoise


          Beach Team is proposing you a very nice panty “Don’t speak just play” panty with a matte grey background and nice touches of white and pink !

          You can also personalize your “Don’t speak just play” panty so don’t hesitate to give a personal touch to your Beach Team panty!


            Men Bottom Shorts "Beach Team France"


            You are proud to be French and you want to wear the colors of France ? Discover our Beach Team "France" short tight !

            You can also personalize it.


              Beachteam "Oh les mains !" short tight


              Your Beachteam "Oh les mains !" short tight with the hand's signals of Beach Volleyball drawn on the bottom !

              If you don't find the size you need or/and you want to personalize your short tight, use the "on demand" option and order your own product. We will create your personal short tight !
