

Women bottom Beach Team "Oh les mains !" short tight


Your Beach Team women short tight « Oh les mains ! » with the Beach Volleyball’s hand signals, drawn on the bottom ! You can also personalize your short tight and make it the unique of its kind !


Available in 3 colors :

Black background (with a touch of fuchsia)
Blue sky background (with a touch of dark blue)
Fuchsia (with a touch of black)


    Women top jersey "FLOWERLIFE"


    The collection of Island's flowers! Available in 5 colours :


    (for each main colours chosen, there is also a touch of other colours in the design)


      Women bottom "Don't speak just play" Beach Team panty pink turquoise


      Beach Team is proposing you a very nice panty “Don’t speak just play” panty with a matte grey background and nice touches of white and pink !

      You can also personalize your “Don’t speak just play” panty so don’t hesitate to give a personal touch to your Beach Team panty!
