

Men bottoms "AROUND THE WORLD"


For all the travellers who have the Beach Attidue!

A special collection for playing "beach sport" all over the world!

The design of the short : major colour black with touch of colours of the nature (blue and green) + the sentence at the front "Make Your Dreams Come True"


    Men bottom "Don't Speak, Just Play"


    This collection is made with Quentin Marion (one of the best 3x3 french players who had the beach attitude), it explains your attitude on the court : * Humility* & *competitiveness* --> "Don't Speak, Just Play"

    Items that can be customised / can be used as swimsuit


      Women bottom "Don't speak just play" Beach Team panty pink turquoise


      Beach Team is proposing you a very nice panty “Don’t speak just play” panty with a matte grey background and nice touches of white and pink !

      You can also personalize your “Don’t speak just play” panty so don’t hesitate to give a personal touch to your Beach Team panty!


        Men tops Jersey "Don't Speak, just Play"


        The Jersey that will enable you to succeed on the court ! : with the sentence "Don't Speak, Just Play"! writen at the back of the item!

        This jersey is available in 2 colours : dark grey with a great touch of pink / dark grey with a great touch of turquoise
