


For all the travellers who have the Beach Attidue!

A special collection for playing "beach sport" all over the world!

Please find hereunder all the sizes available, in case you do not find your size, you can order the model to be made for yourself


    Men bottom shorts "Roots"


    If you are ROOTS, wear the ROOTS short made by Beach Team!

    Exists in 3 major colours : DARK / RED / YELLOW

    Item can be personnalised.


      Women bottom panty "Je vais avec tout"


      The panty with which you can wear with everything! Indeed, you can choose among 14 shades! The Beach Team panties that you can personalize are unique !

      If you don’t find the perfect color for your panty among the 14 proposed, don’t hesitate to contact us and to send us a special request in your order! We will create your panty in the REQUIRED COLOR !


        Men Bottom Shorts "Paris Beach Volley


        Your official short tight of the famous « Paris Beach Volley » club !

        You can also personalize it and add your name and/or your surname !

        Orginal short tight with the Eiffel Tower one one’s side (blue background with touches of white and red)


          Women bottom Beach Team "Vendée" short tight


          Your short tight with the colors of Vendee Beach Volley whom the principal place of meeting of the tribe is located in Saint Jean de Monts. With its original design, this short tight has an hypnotizing blue background and palm tree branches on the sides for a unique style on the Beach volley courts !

          A nice team caring for quality sport events !
